Setian Magus| Bisexual | 36+ | Spirit Channeling | Child of SET
Welcome to my page, I am an occultist that has turned to specifically Paganism
I work with spirits and recently demons or the gods
I hope to catalog my findings and paint a REAL picture of what many have spoken about but few have actually done
When i first contacted SET, he awakened my energy and chakras and my already decent skills were heightened and for 3 days I could translate or channel him almost perfectly, during this time I was instructed or guided to write his words and his story, the way in which it was done was a Blasphemy to the original bible, using chapters and verses to in-effect combat the broken words in the bible with this powerful and direct story from set himself
This is an unfinished version as I am completing it as I translate more from Set and Lilith directly.
Read Libre Satanas v0.7